Monday, November 14, 2011

Woolies Featured

on the Front Page of Etsy! What a thrill to open a global website and see one of your items there.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Branding Your Business

Years ago, when I first opened Woolies, I had an idea of what I wanted my banner and avatar to look like. I wanted a little girl knitting. I had a wonderful designer create my banner. Here it is:

This has been my banner since 2007. I love the happy knitting girl!
Your banner is the first thing a potential customer sees when they visit your shop. It defines you, don't you think?

But are the bright colors conveying what my shop is all about? What is my shop all about? Old fashioned toys, all natural, heirloom quality. The bright colors convey happiness, but what about a vintage feel? What about Waldorf-inspired?

A friend on Etsy created this banner for me:

And I'm in the process of working with another designer - this is what she has come up with, so far:

We're tweaking the font, and think will switch the dark bunny for a lighter one.

What do you think??

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

How is this possible?

I am unemployed. Isn't that crazy? This is the first time in 30 years that I have not had a job. They laid me off. In a blink of an eye, my great salary is gone. Security is gone. 9 years of working for one company - gone.

I could dwell on the negatives.

I'm not going to.

When one door closes, another opens.


I have joined the ranks of the 9.whatever % of the unemployed in the US. Crazy. Should I go protest with Occupy Tucson?

A lot of changes in my life in the past few months; a lot of losses.

I'm fighting back, just to let you know.