So...........I was knitting this bunny. But then I decided to turn her into a bear. But...then she got a pink nose. And her bear ears are kind of big. But...she doesn't have a tail.
My friend called her a hamster.
Is she a mouse?

What do YOU think???? I could use some help here.....
You can read more about her in my Woolies shop! I'd appreciate your thoughts! If she needs a tail, I can certainly give her a tail!

UPDATE: She SOLD today. I asked my lovely buyer if she would prefer a mousie tail, and she said no, she liked her as a very unusual bear.
Thanks to all who who posted their suggestions!!!!
She looks like a mouse to me, since the nose is so dominant.
my two year old daughter looked right at her and said, Mousie!!!
A bit difficult since she isn't shown in profile, -but she seems like a mouse to me. (A cute one.)
What an adorable little lady! I agree that she looks rather mousey--it's not just because her pink nose is large, but it's the way her face is shaped around the nose. Bears have rounder faces, while hers is pointier. And she has quite adorable mousey ears. I agree that she needs a tail of some sort.
I would say mouse as well.
She's cute! :0)
my first thought when i saw her was that she was a mouse. so i guess she would just need a mousey tail.
Yes, a mouse is fitting...
Add a tail and she will be complete...she's having a bit of a bad week missing her tail! :0)
She is completely *gorgeous*!!
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