The Second round of the Natural Kids Giveaway features three shops ~ BirchLeafDesigns, LittleElfsToyshop and MamaRoots.
On Etsy, my Woolies shop is a member of The Natural Kids Team. We are a group of shops that make items for kids out of natural materials. You will find some of THE most georgeous, innovative, heirloom quality, imaginative, exciting.....there are not enough superlatives to express my amazement at the work and skill that goes into these toys and items.
So, every two weeks for the next few months, The Natural Kids Team is offering you a chance to win some of these amazing works of art.The rules are simple.Each giveaway will consist of 3 (THREE) shops giving away a prize.You will have to visit each shop.Then you will have to come back here and post about your favorite item from each shop.
*You can put all your favorites in just one post*
*Please* leave an email address or a link to your blog so I have a way to reach you if you are the grand prize winner.
The second round of the Natural Kids Giveaway will end on April 29th.
And there will be more! So if you don't win during this round - you will have lots of chances.SO - onto the details of the Natural Kids Giveaway #2!
The Shops to Visit are:
The Shops to Visit are:
There will be ONE winner during each giveaway. Each winner will receive all 3 items from the featured shops! Questions? Please let me know.
So head off to find your fav item from each shop; come back to my blog and post about it. Enjoy all the wonderful shops that are part of the Natural Kids Team!
Birchleaf Designs-Small Bug Box, pine, Cedar, birch bark, & leather
I really like this bug box. I had one like it when I was young. It was actually my grandma's. I hope to catch lightning bugs someday with my son. When I was little, I couldn't wait until they came out.
LittleElfsToyshop-Squirrel Nutkin (Needle Felted Wool)
I really like most of the items at this store. I especially liked Nutkin because of an experience that I had with my son about a week ago. A little squirrel came so close to him in his stroller that he could see and interact with it. I was a little nervous, but I just thought that the squirrel thought that he was a nice baby. He's a wonderful baby.
MamaRoots-Naming Renick book
We have a wooden sprite made by MamaRoots named Hans. We just need the book about his friend, Renick. :)
We really hope that we win, but if not, it was really a great experience looking at all the work of these fine artists.
E-Mail: mgmhahn@hotmail.com
Blog: http://ripplingcirclesofmoon.blogspot.com/
Another awesome giveaway! Thank you!!
Birchleaf - Oh, I LOVE the bug box!! I am making a "field kit" for DS and this would be perfect for it :-)
Little Elf - I can hardly choose one thing! I love the little gnome felt picture, the mushroom house, the house playscape and the robin in its nest!
Mamaroots - The give, spend, save monster tags are brilliant (I need them for myself ;-). And I love the wooden mushrooms.
email: inannamama at gmail dot com
blog: jumbleberryjam dot wordpress dot com
Wow, what a fantastic giveaway!
All the shops are wonderful -
I love the paint jars and paint board from Birchleaf Designs.
I really love the Mushroom house felted picture from Little Elfs Toyshop.
And, from Mamaroots, I love Azul the Birthday Butterfly!
Thanks so much for the chance. ♥
marvelous giveaway!!!!!!!
i love so many from the artists here!
Waldorf Inspired Pastel Rainbow Playsilks, set of 6 colors and the squirrel nutkin and the wooden mushrooms con5459(at)gmail(dot)com
Chickie, a knitted chick.
My weakness is anything bird!
Lovely stuff and tough time making decisions for favorites!!!
@ BirchleafDesigns: I love the bug box (and oh! the beautiful colors of your store!!!)
@ mamaroots-Alphabet Dice and Journal! WOW!!! (first grade teacher here), oh,,, but I love the birthday mushroom too (and snail)
@LittleElfsToyshop: Mrs. Tweets AND Yellow Hug-a-Bug (can't choose!!!)
Welp folks, looks like I cheated a little, but choosing just one favorite thing was a little too challenging for me on this worn out Friday morn. ;)
thanks woolies for the hosting of such a fun event!
Ooops! I wish I could edit!
I forgot my email address: soulyluna@gmail.com
Blog: http://soulyluna-tchotchkes.blogspot.com/
I want to win this as a gift
Birchleaf Designs - Wooden sword and leather sheath with strap (MY SON WOULD LOVE THAT)
LittleElfsToyshop - Mushroom House Felted Picture and the When You Wish Upon A Star Wall Hanging are both sweet
MamaRoots- Renick and His Story, what a cute set. I know my boys would love the story and of course Renick
Thank you for a great giveaway. I would love to win.
I like the Tie-dyed Rainbow Streamer from birchleafdesigns's shop.
From Little Elfs Toy shop I like the Madison the Mermaid Princess (waldorf style doll)
And From mamaroots's Shop I like the Hojo the Birthday Dragon
Thank you!
I would love to win
My faves.
MamaRoots - the wood acorns are so beautiful. I can imagine them decorating a table or fireplace mantel. Wonderful.
LittleElfsToyshop - Flower the Skunk! I love Flower, and this llittle felted guy is adorable.
birchleafdesigns - The Hairsticks salvaged from East Indian Rosewood. I've worked with wood, and this stuff is so rare and lovely.
All awesome shops!
My email is topaz08@gmail.com
I would love the bug box and the paint jars and paint board. These would be terrific prizes to win!
I would love the bug box and the paint jars and paint board. These would be terrific prizes to win!
best wishes to the winner
From birch lead designs I like the Wee Wooden Teething Ring.
From Little Elf's Toy Shop I like the Little Dove with Nest.
From Mamaroots I like the Story Dice-Getting Buggy.
Oh, this is so fun!
I love these shops! I had never found Birchleaf Designs before and am so glad to have had the pleasure of browsing today!
So - Birchleaf - I loved the watercolour paint pots!!!! We've been using muffin tins to mix the paints but keeping the mixed paint without rusting the tin has been hard!
- LittleElfsToyshop - I loved the mermaid Waldorf dolls. So sweet!
- Mamaroots - Loved the story telling dice! I've bought math dice from her store before and we love to play math games with them. Fabulous shop!
Thanks for the great giveaway opportunity. If I had to choose just 1 item from each store I would choose LittleElfsToyshop - gnome girl. Every child should have a doll made with natural materials. MamaRoots - the storytelling dice seem like so much fun. Birchleaf Designs - playsilks are the most versatile toy.
birchleaf designs - i love the child poi's!
the colors are beautiful and i could see my daughter dancing with these for hours at a time!
LittleElfsToyshop - magic mushroom secret keeper 2! i love mushrooms and i love little trinket boxes and this one combines the two.
mamaroots - decisions, decisions! i love all her stuff so much. :) i especially like the birthday candle holders and i think that hojo the birthday dragon is adorable. but then, i also like the birthday mushroom! i'd have to say it's a tie. :)
birchleaf designs- i like the rainbow silk streamer and the paint holders..love their shape!
little elfs toyshop- i LOVE *flower the skunk*. already marked as a favorite with me. this artist is amazing!
mamaroots- LOVE her already! don't know how i could pick. i really love all of her tomtens.
I love this giveaway!!
birchleaf - silk parachute all the way, so awesome!
littleelfs - tiny tan bunny, this sweetie should make etsy front page!
mamaroots - wood acorns! my kids are obsessed with acorns since last fall when we'd collect them walking home from preschool.
Wow! Three in one. Perfect for Three boys! Katja
Child Poi...Handdyed canvas bags on ropes with beautiful handdyed silk tails
by birchleafdesigns,
Mushroom House Felted Picture
by LittleElfsToyshop and
Renick and His Story
by mamaroots.
What a wonderful shops!!! Really difficult to choose only one item!
Thanks for teh chance, your blog is fantastic!
cal_rubies at yahoo dot es
Birchleaf Designs: rainbow playsilks
Little Elfs Toyshop: peter rabbit
MamaRoots: Azul butterfly birthday candle holder
The little Dove with the nest is my favorite. Thanks for the chance.
Thanks for the giveaway. Here's my faves from the 3 shops:
1-BirchLeafDesigns-wooden sword and leather sheath with strap
2-LittleElfsToyshop-Pikachu Pokemon
3-MamaRoots-Tweet journal
mannasweeps (at) gmail (dot) com
Birchleaf designs : Waldorf Inspired Earth Rainbow Playsilks, set of 7 colors
We are moving to Kenya in 4 weeks and these seem like the perfect light, packable, open ended item to pack for our four children! The colors are beautiful!
Little Elfe Toyshop: Squishy Wool Ball ON SALE
Simple item, small enough to pack in our luggage for the transcontinental move and endless open ended fun for the kiddos
Mama roots:
Hojo the Birthday Dragon- Made to Order
so many great items but I am a one track mind with travel plans and this would be a small packable item that my 4 year old son would be delighted to see when he wakes up five in Kenya.
thanks for the introduction to these great sellers!
At BirchLeafDesigns, I like the Wooden Hatchet. It's different than most toys and has a lot of play possibilites.
At LittleElftoyshop, I love the Tiny Tan Bunny. I also love the Teddy Bear. She has so many cute things in her shop.
At Mamaroots, I like Artemis the bear. The Imaginary Friens are adorable, too. I love wooden toys.
BirchLeafDesigns/tie-dyed Rainbow Streamer
Little Elfs Toy Shop/Jacob The Gnom Boy
Mama Roots/Wild Tree Monsters-Blue Spruce
From birchleafdesigns I liked the flower press. I used to have one as a kid and I loved it. From LittleElfsToyshop everything was adorable, but I especially like the little tan bunnies. From MamaRoots I like the Naming Renick and his book. I have friends with little kids who would appreciate something like that.
Birchleaf Designs - I love the play silks.
Little Elf's Toyshop - Ellywick the gnome
Mamaroots- Giving, Saving, Spending tags
What a fun giveaway!
BirchleafDesigns - I like the Sturdy Oak Flower Press. It is much larger than most that you see.
LittleElfsToyshop - The Hug-a-bug Doll is really sweet. I also like Jacob The Gnome Boy too!
MamaRoots - I'm already a big fan of MamaRoots. I think the Wild Tree Monsters are super cute and I had to buy one!
My favorites: birchleaf Designs-Cherry Wood Playing Card Holder Little Elfs Toyshop-Mrs. Rabbit (Needle Felted Wool) Mamaroots-Kendrick the Elf Journal garrettsambo@aol.com
My favorite are:
Rainbow Goodness Silk Scarf
by birchleafdesigns
Little Blue Gnome Kid (waldorf style doll) - LittleElfsToyshop
Azul the Birthday Butterfly
by mamaroots
Thanks for the chance! hawkgirl_16 {at} hotmail {dot} com
birchleaf desighns- small bug box, little elfs...-little muffing hat doll, mamaroots- fly
At BirchLeafDesigns, I like the Wooden Hatchet.
At LittleElfsToyshop, I like the magic mushroom secret keeper 2.
At Mamaroots, I like the wood acorns.
wooden sword mverno@roadrunner.com
So excited for the giveaway!
From Birch Leaf Designs I love the Child Poi--how fun!
There are sooo many adorable things in Little Elfs Toyshop! So well made...my fav. is the "When You Wish Upon A Star" Wall Hanging. It's so fairy-tale like.
From Mamaroots I like the "Spring Along with My Imaginary Friends" set--so adorable!
Thanks for the chance!
First I'd like to say each store has such lovely and unique things!!
Birch Leaf Designs- Rainbow Goodness Silk Scarf
LittleElfstoyshop- Blue Cottage House Scene, needle felted wool.
Mamaroots- Wild Tree Monsters - Blue Spruce
I heart the bug box and the paint jars and paint board:)ty 4 the entry into this awesome giveaway:)
I can't live without Little elf's Ellywick the gnome.
I love the flower press from Birch Leaf
and MamaRoots stole my heart with the blue wild tree monster!
I love the Sturdy Oak Flower Press from BirchLeafDesigns. I've always wanted to press flowers!
I adore Mrs. Rabbit from LittleElfstoyshop. It's incredible how well made it is.
I think Artemis the bear by Mamaroots is adorable!
Sturdy Oak Flower Press from Birchleaf Designs.
Mermaid Waldorf dolls from LittleElfs Toyshop.
The storytelling dice from MamaRoots.
Thanks so much, what a great way to see terrific sites.
Lets see the choices were hard but from Birchleaf Designs I liked the Small Bug Box. My grandson would love it!
From Little Elfs Toyshop I liked the
Pilgrim's With Pumpkin - too cute!
From Mamaroots I like the wooden acorns.
WOW! Now I know where I can spend my money...besides at iTunes! These shops are wonderful!
BirchLeaf Designs: Big & Chunky Play Clips for Little Hands
Little Elfs Toyshop: My weakness..animals in clothes! Peter Rabbit, Squirrel Nutkin, Jemima Puddleduck and Mrs. Rabbit! (couldn't pick just one!)
MamaRoots: Quiet Egg Blue..lovely!
BirchLeafDesigns - I liked the Hairsticks made from salvaged exotic East Indian Rosewood.
LittleElfstoyshop - The Pirate Wall Plaque will look nic in a boy's room.
Mamaroots - I like the Birthday Mushroom.
At Birchleafdesigns, I love the Cherry Wood Playing Card Holders. These would be perfect to use with my daughter. She has a hard time keeping her cards together when we play.
At LittleElfsToyShop, I fell in love with Little Bo Peep and Her Sheep! They are just too cute and it has always been one of my favorite nursery rhymes.
At Mamaroots, Azul the Birthday Butterfly was my favorite! For my daughter's 8th birthday we are doing a butterfly theme. He would be a perfect addition to the cake!
Email: homeschooling_mom01@live.com
Thanks so much!!
I love the Sturdy Oak Flower Press from birchleafdesigns's shop, the Lovely Little Swan with Lake from LittleElfsToyshop's shop, and Artemis the bear from mamaroots' shop!
Birch leaf designs ~Flower Press
Littleelf~ Squirrel Nutkin (Old mr. b! Old mr. b!)
mamaroots~bug tokens ~ I don't know why, I just like them!
What beautiful things! Hard to pick just one favorite from each site!
Birch Leaf Design~ cherry wood teething ring
Little Elfs~ little mushroom pixie (LOVE the red hair)
Mamaroots~ Artemis Project brown bear (love the bear and the Midwife support)
email: sueknoth@gmail.com
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