Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

I love this time of year. Even in Tucson Arizona, it's cooling off finally. I used to love to greet trick or treaters at the door; and take my kids around the whole neighborhood. Those days are gone; kids are older; we live off the beaten path, so no trick or treaters here.

Please enjoy these awesome Halloween items from my fellow Natural Kids Team members!

And don't eat all the candy!!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

I'm Moving!

No, not moving to a new home. I keep writing these cryptic Titles!

I'm MOVING. As in - moving my body. Off the couch.

If you saw my previous post about losing weight, that's where this is coming from.

After tracking my food for a few weeks, it becomes apparent that it's not the food that is making me pudgy.

It is the fact that I'm not moving enough.

So I've started moving.

I joined Curves. My health insurance covers it! No money! Free! I was talking about it with a friend last Tuesday. And when I hung up the phone, I said - what am I waiting for?? I went and joined. I went 4 times last week: Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday morning.

No excuses.

Also this weekend, hubby and I did stuff. We went some places. We went to the farmers market together and walked around. I came home and planted lettuce. Today we went to a local festival (to check out the vendors), and walked around.

The key word: Walked. No, nothing strenous. But: not on the couch.

I knit - a lot. My little side business, Woolies, requires lots of knitting. And my day job requires me to be on the computer all day. Sitting. A Lot.

So I figure everytime I can get up and move is better than sitting.

I'm planning to get one of the old bikes hiding out in our garage into a functioning state.

And then there are my horses.......that is a long story involving a broken back and lost confidence. So we'll see....

The broken back is what got me into this current pudgy state.

But I'm moving.

And so is Myrtle, who still keeps trying to climb out of her habitat. :(

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Loss of a Friend

No, she didn't die. But she is no longer part of my life.

I won't regale you with all the stories.

But when someone has been a part of your life for almost half of your life, the loss is hard.

It got too hard. Too difficult. Too fraught with tension. I got really tired of tip-toe-ing around. I got tired of not saying what was on my mind. So I stopped.

I got tired of being 'friends' with someone, when it was all about her. My stuff didn't matter.

She's a difficult person; always has been. But that was ok for a long time. And then it just got to be not-OK anymore.

I'm not saying that I am perfect.

She got really vicious at the end. It showed me that she was filled with hate and malice. The emails were written to stab and hurt; and they did.

So I'm sad. But relieved at the same time.

But more sad. Than glad.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Long Ago Doll

I must have been about six years old. I was given a doll, I'm sure it must have been at Christmas-time. I was such a tomboy, I didn't play a lot with dolls. I was too busy outside - climbing trees, and riding the ponies at the stable next door. Exploring the woods and fishing in the stream nearby.

But I did play with this particular doll. I loved her. She slept with me. I cut her hair, of course. She only had a couple sets of clothes, and they are long gone.

But I still have her.

Her name is Pitiful Pearl. Does anybody remember this doll?

She sits in my closet, with a few other old toys of mine. She likes it in there, she's told me.

About 15 years ago, Pearl got some new eyes at the doll hospital. She got cleaned up a little.

I thought of her today; I think she wanted to come out and play.

Say hello!

Monday, October 10, 2011


I need to lose weight. 30-40 pounds.

Last winter I lost 15 pounds - a great start.

I gained most of it back this summer. Summer in Tucson = too hot to go outside, enjoy the pool, even. I do not do well in the heat.

OK, it's nice out now. I feel motivated.

But I know what will happen.

I'll start walking again. I'll do it for a month or so. Then I'll get sooo bored with it.

I can ride my horses. But I've sort of lost my joy of riding (following a really bad accident a few years ago involving a broken back...). So now it feels like work. I work a lot - full time day job, 2 etsy shops....I don't have time for more work.

Do I have to join a gym? I don't know that I can commit to it, timewise. It's expensive. But I think my health insurance might cover some of it. I hate the gym.

Should I invest in a treadmill-type device for home?

Why can't I do this?

My friend took diet pills and lost 40 pounds. She didn't sleep for months. I don't want to take diet pills.

Meanwhile, I promise you, I do not eat cookies and cake all day. I eat lots of fruit and veggies. Water. Milk, even. I don't know why I'm fat.

I need a magic potion.


Sorry, no pictures that I want to post to go along with this. (My sis-in-law took a family picture last weekend, she is a little person. I am standing next to her feeling like a beast).


Saturday, October 1, 2011

Just had to share

This is my kid, taken by a friend while out hiking in the foothills of the Tortolita mountains. Isn't this a great shot??

Sometimes the beauty of this land takes my breath away.