I have two teenage boys.
My 15 year old used my computer last night, and left his 'livejournal' open, along with about 5 other windows (myspace friends, etc). I was closing each one, when I came to the livejournal one. This site is like a diary, that your friends can read (only the friends that you choose). I read it, I'm sorry. I only glanced at the first post...but then it was like a train wreck that I couldn't walk away from.
He's lied to us. About a lot of things.
I'm going to have to confront him.
I understand the 'moving away' from your family thing. It's part of growing up. But does it have to be? I have always tried to be the non-judgemental kind of parent. The "you can talk to me about anything" type of parent. The only time I ever punish him (by taking away the computer) is when he is SO totally disrespectful to us that I can't take it anymore.
He's not talking to me, about the things that matter.
My other son, who will be 13 next week, is also having problems. School is out, and he's decided to not leave his room. He won't call friends.....and he only really has one friend. 7th grade was a difficult time for him.
Not sure what to do. With either one.
Is this blog all of a sudden becoming my 'livejournal'?
Has anybody been through this? Feel free to comment....