Sunday, March 28, 2010


As mentioned previously, it is SPRING here in Tucson. My hubby and I started walking/hiking - long on the list of TO DO things.

I just have to share some of our pictures from our latest walk/hike in Catalina State Park, a mere 10-15 minutes from our home.

Enjoy the beauty of the southwest!

The washes are running from the snow melt in the mountains.

Saguaro cactus on the hill.


As we were walking down the trail - there was a crash from somewhere just before us. "What was that?!" We kept walking and soon saw what it was. An arm had just fallen off of this giant saguaro cactus. Just like that. Bizarre!

View of Pusch Ridge.



Jenn said...

oh, that's a really beautiful place. i want to come visit you so bad. if i ever get a chance, i'll be ecstatic!!! :0)

Unni Strand said...

This landscape looks just like scenes from a cowboy movie! It would have been an adventure for me to go walking in a place like this!

Unni Strand said...

This landscape looks just like scenes from a cowboy movie! It would have been an adventure for me to go walking in a place like this!

Sherry said...

Wow, spring where you live is beautiful. Ours should be arriving any day!

It was so ice to see your face on my blog.


Unknown said...

I love the mountains in the background...your photos are can tell they really depict the landscape!