Friday, January 21, 2011

the littlest one

The littlest one in the house wasn't feeling so well last night. What was wrong?? She couldn't rest - she would lie down and then a few minutes later jump up and run to another spot. She shivered a lot. That indicates pain.

She also licked her lips a lot. That means her tummy doesn't feel good.

She looked for grass to eat outside. We live in the desert - not a lot of grass around here.

Her tummy felt tight.

Her nose was cold and wet.

I called puppy urgent care.

We debated.

We waited and watched.

She seemed to get better.

Poor Puppy!!!


Mare said...

Oh poor little thing...There is nothing worse than worrying about the little ones. I hope she feels better today! I'll send her some healing energy. Take care...mare

Mare said...

Sara, how is the little one doing?