Thursday, January 27, 2011

Old Fashioned Method of Going Green

Forget about the dryer! What an energy sucker! Noisy! And it shrinks cotton shirts! Bad Dryer!

Hang those clothes to dry! Even in the winter, back east, my basement had clothes lines, and clothes hanging everywhere. Sometimes I just hang wet clothes on a hanger, and they go on the shower curtain rod. If the weather is inclement. Which is rare out here in the southwest.

(Growing up, my Mom refused to have a dryer. She hated them! )

But this is still the best - hang 'em outside! Let the sun and wind do their natural job!


Mare said...

Hi Sara, this is my favorite way to dry a batch of laundry! Living in the Northeast(especially lately!) it is just too cold to hang wet clothes outdoors. So i hang a full load on the clothesline in my basement. If the dry clothes are too wrinkled, stiff or scratchy, i just toss them in the dryer for a few seconds to soften them up!I am VERY particular about the order the clothes are hung too! Go figure....

Amanda T said...

Oh what I wouldn't give for some sunshine to return to Indiana... I always feel renewed and re-energized when it's finally warm enough to hang the laundry out on the line :)

alexkeller said...

I do the hanger on the shower curtain rod -HOA doesn't allow a clothesline