Monday, October 10, 2011


I need to lose weight. 30-40 pounds.

Last winter I lost 15 pounds - a great start.

I gained most of it back this summer. Summer in Tucson = too hot to go outside, enjoy the pool, even. I do not do well in the heat.

OK, it's nice out now. I feel motivated.

But I know what will happen.

I'll start walking again. I'll do it for a month or so. Then I'll get sooo bored with it.

I can ride my horses. But I've sort of lost my joy of riding (following a really bad accident a few years ago involving a broken back...). So now it feels like work. I work a lot - full time day job, 2 etsy shops....I don't have time for more work.

Do I have to join a gym? I don't know that I can commit to it, timewise. It's expensive. But I think my health insurance might cover some of it. I hate the gym.

Should I invest in a treadmill-type device for home?

Why can't I do this?

My friend took diet pills and lost 40 pounds. She didn't sleep for months. I don't want to take diet pills.

Meanwhile, I promise you, I do not eat cookies and cake all day. I eat lots of fruit and veggies. Water. Milk, even. I don't know why I'm fat.

I need a magic potion.


Sorry, no pictures that I want to post to go along with this. (My sis-in-law took a family picture last weekend, she is a little person. I am standing next to her feeling like a beast).



alexkeller said...

i hate to tell you - it's work.

backstory: i was up to almost 200 pounds right before i delivered my son in '06. lost all the baby weight walking. gained some back. joined a gym & did weight watchers - lost a bit. did diet pills & got really skinny. started eating and gained some back.

now: i go the ymca everyday and do at least 30 minutes of cardio, sometimes an hour. and i started doing pilates 3 times a week for an hour. so it's like a part time job.

food: when i did the diet pills, i went on basically a zone diet. when i started eating carbs, i gained weight back. so now i eat low fat protein & lots of veggies. i rarely eat rice or pasta, very little dairy, and fruit sparingly - it's all sugar. but i do love bread and i have a sweet tooth. so that means more time at the gym and more salads the rest of the week. mostly it's using the calories up that go in & to lose any more, it's more exercise. ugh.

like i said, it's work.

Mare said...

I'm right there with you, wondering what to do next. My ideas? Walk the dogs more regularly, start yoga at home (just bought a new DVD for beginners) or join the gym. I am astounding myself with saying anything about a gym as i usually hate going out to exercise....Just know you are not alone...

~Dawn~ said...

Some talk show they had on television last week(sorry can not recall where I saw it) rated all the diet pills and different diets and determined that the one that is easiest for people to follow and the one that people tend to keep the weight off the longest with was ~ weight watchers.

BuD said...

Yeah, I know how you feel. I was pushing 265 and wanted to get back to my normal 224.

Browsing in the library one day, I came across Tim Ferris' "4 hour body" book. When I read it, I thought it was weird, but gave it a shot. (amazon link)

I lost 30 lbs I'm thee months. No shit.

The "diet" is pretty basic: protein, veggies, legumes-all you can eat. Every seventh day, eat whatever the hell you want.

My cheat day helped me make it through the other six. Any time I wanted to have something sweet, I told myself, 'just wait __ more days and then have it'. I cheated with donuts, pies, pancakes, milkshakes..... The weight kept coming off.

Another upside is beans are dirt cheap—I can buy $2 of beans and that'll last me about 4 days.

I realize I sound like an infomercial "testimonial," so please don't take my word for it. Check out the book from your local library, read the first ~150 pages and decide if you want to try it. If it works, great! If not, try something else.

woolies said...

Update: I joined Curves 2 days ago. Been twice so far. Going to repair one of our bikes hidden in the back of the garage. I might even check out Jazzercise.

Can I have tira misu for dessert??